With so much talk focused on Syndromic Surveillance, the overall picture of Community Health Surveillance seems to be getting lost.
Until the Meaningful Use guidelines were developed, the term “Syndromic Surveillance” wasn’t typically utilized. Its connotation is less community-centered and more focused on single issues.
In short, the requirement to achieve Syndromic Surveillance requirements may be overshadowing the bigger view of Community Health Surveillance.
At Health Monitoring Systems, we are planning for the future of Community Health Surveillance by providing our clients with information beyond Syndromic Surveillance.
We can help you to monitor air quality, drinking water quality, poison control center, and chronic disease data—information that provides a well-rounded view of your community’s overall health.
Our goal, like yours, is to provide timely, relevant information that matters most when it comes to overseeing public health. Contact us today to learn more.